About FIN Portugal
The 7th edition of FIN Portugal will take at Altice Forum Braga, in the north of Portugal, on the 1st and 2nd of June 2023.
The event will bring together a series of activities that promote networking and knowledge sharing, such as conferences with international speakers, workshops, business matching meetings and parallel events - the Networking Cocktail and the Gala Dinner that closes the event.
In Portugal, the boutique event focuses on making connections with a highly motivated team that promotes the meeting between supply and demand and that is always available to collaborate with participants in the pre-event so that the days of the event can run as smoothly as possible with maximum results.
The focus is, therefore, on the quality of the participants and the high-level connections made with the goal of increasing the participants' business or institutional networks.
After online and hybrid editions to face the pandemic restrictions, the 2023 edition will only be in person, thus maximizing the connections that are created between all participants.
5 events, 4 continents in Portuguese

FIN is part of a larger project that connects four continents in an yearly cycle: Latin America (FIN Brasil, Florianópolis, Brazil - 28th and 29th of March), Africa (Luanda, Angola - April 20th and 21st and Maputo, Mozambique - May 5th), Europe (Braga, Portugal - June 1st and 2nd), Asia (Macao, China - October 17th and 19th to 22nd).
This project, promoted since 2017 by AJEPC - Young Entrepreneurs Association Portugal-China, is focused on creating a continuous network connection between continents, allowing all participants to expand their network and businesses.
The project takes different forms according to the territories in which it operates, always maintaining the same focus - networking.